KFC Mash & Gravy Nutrition, Price & Recipe at KFC SA

KFC Mash & Gravy

Check the complete KFC Menu

Regular Price: R 20,90
Large Price: R 28,90

Get the flavourful and delicious Mash & Gravy from the KFC Snacks and Sides Menu. This item is full of highly nutritious and tasty ingredients, which is made with 100% fresh potatoes topped with savory gravy.

You can enjoy it along with any drink and as a side item with your meal.


  • Mash Granules
  • Gravy


  • Gluten
  • Celery
  • MSG

Nutritional Report of Mash & Gravy

NutrientsPer Portion
Regular Large
Trans Fatty Acids1.0g1.0g
Mono-unsaturated Fat 1.0g1.0g
Saturated Fat1.0g1.0g
Poly-unsaturated Fat1.0g1.0g
Total Fat1.0g1.0g
Total Dietary Fiber1.0g1.0g
Vitamin C1.0mg1.0mg
Vitamin A1.0 RE1.0 RE
Nutritional Report of Mash & Gravy

KFC Mash & Gravy Recipe

Now, you can easily make KFC-style Mash and Gravy at your home. Just read and follow the steps and make it.

Ingredients Quantity: 

  • 1 chicken Stock cube
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 3 cups of butter
  • ½ cup of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • Potatoes
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 cup of cream

How to prepare it?

  • First of all, pour hot water into a container, and put chicken stock cubes and beef stock cubes in the water. Mix it gently and keep it aside for about 5 minutes.
  • Put ½ cups of butter in a pan and preheat on medium flame.
  • Next, add the flour, salt, onion powder, and pepper into the pan and stir it. 
  • Now, start adding the stock cube mixture gradually and stir it properly. Cook them until they become a smooth paste. Keep it aside to cool down. Your gravy will be ready.
  • Take some potatoes and cut them into small cubes. 
  • Now, pour some water into a large pan and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil the potatoes in the water. Mash all the potatoes properly.
  • Take another pan, and add butter and milk to the pan. Cook it for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Put the mixture in the mashed potatoes and mix it well.
  • Take out the mashed potatoes in a serving bowl, and put the gravy on it. Enjoy your mash and gravy at home.

Our Review

Mash & Gravy is one of the most healthy and popular dishes in South Africa. It features a super smooth mashed potato mixture served with tasty and savory gravy. It has a beautiful brownish color with a unique and satisfying taste. KFC served this item in portable packaging that kept it safe and fresh. 

Mash and Gravy have a reasonable price tag, as they come in Regular and Large sizes, and both have good quantities and rich amounts of nutrients.

Note: All the information regarding ingredients, allergens, and nutritional reports is sourced from the official KFC menu in South Africa.


This item is made with mashed potatoes, vegetable oil, milk protein, turmeric, salt, and some other ingredients. The gravy is made with wheat flour, dextrose, spices, and some other ingredients or flavors.

Yes, KFC mash is made with 100% potatoes. However, it contains some other ingredients like milk protein, turmeric, salt, vegetable oil, etc.

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