
Verry Berry Krusher Nutrition, Price & Recipe at KFC SA

Verry Berry Krusher

Check the complete KFC Menu

Price: R 44,90 

Verry Berry Krusher is a refreshing and fruity drink from KFC Drinks Menu. It is a blend of a yummy and delicious mix of berries pulp, yogurt, BEV Stablimix, and a hint of sweetness.

The taste is tangy and sweet with a burst of berry flavors. Moreover, this drink is rich in energy and gives you a necessary nutrient. Enjoy it in the evening as your energy drink. 


  • Sauce – Mixed Berry Pulp
  • BEV Stablimix
  • UHT Soft Serve
  • Plain Yoghurt


  • Celery
  • Gluten 
  • Milk/Lactose
  • Soya
  • Egg
  • Suplhur Dioxide

Nutritional Reports of Verry Berry Krusher

   Energy Content: 255 Calories

Nutrients Per Portion 
Trans Fatty Acids 0.0g
Mono-unsaturated Fat 1.0g
Protein 5.40g
Saturated Fat2.7g
Carbo-hydrates 49.20g
Poly-unsaturated Fat 0.0g
Total Fat 3.60g
Cholesterol 0.0g
Iron 1.0mg
Potassium 204mg
Total Dietary Fiber1.0g
Vitamin C1.0mg
Sodium 1mg
Calcium 1.0mg
Vitamin A1.0RE
Sugar 44.40g
Nutritional Reports of Verry Berry Krusher

Verry Berry Krusher Recipe


  • Vanilla Ice cream 
  • Milk 
  • Whipped Cream
  • Mixed Berries (Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries)

How to Prepare It?

  • Start it by cleaning and washing the mixed berries. Then, slice them into pieces. 
  • In a blender, add vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, milk, and slices of mixed berries. 
  • Blend them very well until they become creamy and smooth. 
  • Pour the mixture into a glass and add some whipped cream to it. 
  • Lastly, topped it off with some mixed berry slices. 
  • Add a straw to a glass and enjoy it. 

Our Review

KFC Verry Berry Krusher is one of the best drinks because it provides you with a rich amount of proteins, vitamins, and iron. You can also enjoy this drink with your morning meal or lunchtime to refresh your mind and soul. 

However, before taking this drink, make sure to check its allergens. Its allergens contain Egg, Sulfur Dioxide, Celery, Milk/Lactose, Gluten, and soy. Moreover, people who avoid consuming sugar should also be careful because of its sweetness.

NoteAll the information regarding ingredients, allergens, and nutritional reports is sourced from the official KFC menu in South Africa.


It contains “255 Calories”. This drink is made up of different raspberries and other possible ingredients. These ingredients contribute to the overall calories of this drink.

Yes, KFC offers its customers 4 types of yummy Krushers. 

  1. Oreo Krusher
  2. Very Berry Krusher
  3. Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher
  4. Strawberry Sunrise Sparkling Krusher

KFC stops selling krushers because of the increased range and demand of these frozen beverages. 

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