
Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher Nutrition, Price & Recipe at KFC SA

Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher

Check the complete KFC Menu

Price: R 42,90

A Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher is a great combination of lemon, mint, and fizzy sparkling water. The fresh mint leaves offer a refreshing, while lemon adds a citric effect.

Moreover, the fizzy sparkling water gives a bubbly effect that surely quenches your thirst in hot weather. 


  • Softdrink – Post Mix – Sprite
  • Mint
  • Syrup – Virgin Mojito


  • Gluten
  • Suplhur Dioxide
  • Soya
  • Lactose/Milk

Nutritional Report of Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher

Nutrients Per Portion 
Trans Fatty Acids 0g
Mono-unsaturated Fat 0g
Protein 0g
Saturated Fat0g
Carbo-hydrates 0g
Poly-unsaturated Fat 0g
Total Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Iron 0mg
Potassium 0mg
Total Dietary Fibre0g
Vitamin C0mg
Sodium 0mg
Calcium 0mg
Vitamin A0RE
Sugar 0g
Nutritional Report of Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher

Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher Recipe


  • Lemon 
  • Powder sugar
  • Mint leaves
  • Pinch of salt
  • Ice cubes
  • Sprite
  • Pinch of salt 

How to Prepare It?

  • Take lemons, clean them properly, and cut them into halves. 
  • Now, take a glass and squeeze half a lemon into it. 
  • Add 2-4 mint leaves along with some lemon slices into a glass. 
  • Take a muddler and squeeze all the ingredients well inside the glass. 
  • After that add a pinch of salt and some ice cubes. 
  • Lastly, add Sprite to the glass. Insert the straw and mix it well. 
  • Serve it cool and enjoy your drink. 

Our Review

Virgin Mojito Sparkling Krusher is a great choice to refresh your mind in hot weather. You can get this drink from the KFC Drinks Menu and drink it. 

Moreover, KFC offers this drink in a beautiful transparent glass and you can drink it even when you walk around. 

Health-conscious people must check their allergens. It has some harmful allergens, which may cause serious health issues. Sparkling Virgin Mojito krusher allergens are Soya, Suplhur Dioxide, Lactose/Milk, and Gluten.

NoteAll the information regarding ingredients, allergens, and nutritional reports is sourced from the official KFC menu in South Africa.


Sparling virign mojito is made up of Softdrink – Post Mix – Sprite, Mint, and Syrup – Virgin Mojito.

Some of the mojito contains alcohol and some are alcohol-free drinks. Well if we talk about Sparling virgin mojito krusher, it is an alcohol-free drink. 

The virgin mojito drink is not considered a healthy drink because of its high sugar content from the syrup and Sprite. 

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