Spicy Crunch Burger Price & Recipe at KFC SA

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Spicy Crunch Burger

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Price: R 39,90

For African spice lovers, the Spicy Crunch Burger is a delicious and flavored item on the KFC burger menu.

The burger is a combination of lettuce, 1 spicy and crunchy mini fillet topped with Tabasco flavored sauce, Colonel dressing, and a slice of cheese. The snack bun with all the important ingredients gives you a spicy, crunchy, and juicy taste.


  • Chicken mini fillets
  • Palmolein Oil
  • Colonel dressing
  • Sliced cheese
  • Cake wheat flour
  • Snack burger bun
  • Lettuce
  • Crispy
  • Tabasco flavored sauce


  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Gluten
  • Mustard 
  • MSG
  • Celery
  • Milk / Lactose
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Egg
  • Soya 

Spicy Crunch Burger Wrap Recipe

How to Prepare It? 

If you like spicy burgers, then this recipe is for you. Spicy Crunch Burgers are easy to make. So, arrange the ingredients first.

  • Now put the boneless chicken in a bowl and wash it. After washing, cut into small pieces.
  • To marinate the chicken breast, take a bowl and mix the herbs, including soy sauce, salt, red chili powder, garlic powder, and black pepper powder. Marinate the chicken pieces properly by hand and refrigerate the bowl.
  • Now prepare the flour mixture to marinate the chicken. For this, add flour, black pepper, red pepper, garlic powder, salt, and cornstarch and mix lightly. Also, add the egg and milk to another bowl and mix them well.
  • In the next step, coat the marinated chicken properly in flour. Coat the chicken pieces in the breadcrumbs after dipping them in the egg mixture.
  • Fry the chicken breast in oil on medium heat until cooked.
  • Take the lettuce leaves and wash them. After that, cut the lettuce leaves into small pieces.
  • Heat oil in a pan. Now warm the bun slightly.
  • Place the bun on a plate, and spread the colonel sauce on the side bun.
  • Pick chicken fillets and dip them in Tabasco-flavored sauce.
  • Place the chicken fillets on the bun. Place the cheese slice and lettuce on it.
  • Now place another piece of bun on it.
  • Your spicy, crunchy burger is ready. You can serve it with Tabasco-flavored sauce.

Our Review

The Spicy Crunchy Burger is a recent addition to the KFC South African burger menu. The burger looks more appealing, and the layers of ingredients are professionally arranged. Therefore, the burger is very easy to hold.

Grilled chicken fillets in a bun are delicious with Tabasco-flavored sauce. Colonel dressing with lettuce also enhances the flavor. A slice of soft cheese is the perfect match with all the other ingredients.

Overall, the KFC Spicy Crunch Burger is delicious and more appealing to spice lovers. However, burgers contain serious allergens that can be harmful to your health. Therefore, you should check the allergens and nutrients before ordering.

NoteAll the information regarding ingredients, allergens, and nutritional reports is sourced from the official KFC menu in South Africa.


Yes, crunch burgers are good for your health. KFC takes care of customers’ health. Therefore, they provide allergen reports and nutrient intakes. Based on your health you can check the allergens that are included in the burger and enjoy it.

R 39,90 is the price of the spicy crunchy burger. 

KFC offers a variety of burgers in its burger menu. But perhaps one thing missing is spice. So now, spicy lovers can buy and enjoy the spicy crunch burger. Also, the price is reasonable. This is the reason why spicy burgers attract the attention of spice lovers.

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