Nugget Box With Sweet Chilli Sauce Crunch Burger And Buddy Nutrition & Price at KFC SA

Nugget Box With Sweet Chilli Sauce Crunch Burger And Buddy

Check the complete KFC Menu

Price: R 78,90

Enjoy your moment with Nugget Box With Sweet Chilli Sauce Crunch Burger And Buddy Meal from the KFC menu, which includes a Crunch Burger, 1 piece of Chicken, and KFC Chips with Sweet Chilli Dip, Served with Buddy size Sugar-free Cold drink.

This deal has a tangy, crispy, and savory taste with a spicy flavor, which is a perfect meal option for your late night craving.


  • Crunch burger
  • Dip
  • 4 Nuggets
  • Sugar Free Drink   (Buddy)
  • Chips  (Small)


  • MSG
  • Milk / Lactose
  • Soya 
  • Mustard 
  • Nuts/Nut products
  • Suplhur Dioxide
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Gluten
  • Celery
  • Egg
  • Shellfish/Fish

Nutritional Report of Nugget Box With Sweet Chilli Sauce Crunch Burger And Buddy

NutrientsPer Portion
Energy (KJ)1 KJ
Trans Fatty Acids1.0g
Mono-unsaturated Fat 1.0g
Saturated Fat1.0g
Poly-unsaturated Fat1.0g
Total Fat1.0g
Total Dietary Fiber1.0g
Vitamin C1.0mg
Vitamin A1.0 RE
Nutritional Report of Nugget Box With Sweet Chilli Sauce Crunch Burger And Buddy

Our Review

Another classic and crunchy deal is available on the KFC Box Meals menu. This meal box is pure bliss for people who love to treat themselves to a crispy and spicy meal at lunchtime or even midnight. KFC serves this meal with nice packaging, So you can eat it easily without creating any mess. 

The crunch burger and nuggets provide a crispy and crunchy taste. The chips and cold drinks are great companions that make this meal box more flavorful.

However, this meal has some harmful allergens like egg, soy, milk, celery, etc, so definitely check the allergen details before eating anything.

NoteAll the information regarding ingredients, allergens, and nutritional reports is sourced from the official KFC menu in South Africa.


The KFC Nugget Box offers you a Crunch Burger, 1 piece of Crispy Chicken, Dip, a small size KFC Chips, and a buddy size sugar-free cold drink.

This Nugget Box contains many allergens like Milk, Egg, Soya, Celery, MSG, Mustard, Gluten, etc, So, sensitive people must check the allergen details before tasting it.

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